Morata Capital is an Alternative Investment Fund Management company, currently in the process of registration with Estonian financial authorities (FSA/FIU).
Once we are approved, hopefully in the second half of 2024, we plan to open a fund investing for the very long term (25 years) in public equities of large and mature companies in Western countries like Google and Microsoft, when they are at reasonable prices and hold them for as long as they keep their competitive advantages and positive outlook. This strategy is also known as “quality investing” and is the one of Warren Buffett.
We don’t use any leverage, margin, loans, derivatives or any complex financial instruments. Just large cap public equities.
We target only friends and family who are aligned with our long-term view and our once-a-year redemption policy.
To align our interests with the ones of our investors, we don’t have any management fees, only performance fees.
Florian MORATA, Director
Pille 9/2-36, 10138 Tallinn, Estonia
Reg n°: 16931717
VAT: EE102712733